Adyashanti Books

Adyashanti is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to serving the awakening of all beings. His teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence.  Asked to teach in 1996 by his Zen teacher of 14 years, Adyashanti offers teachings that are free of any tradition or ideology. "The Truth I point to is not confined within any religious point of view, belief system, or doctrine, but is open to all and found within all." Based in California, Adyashanti lives with his wife, Mukti, Associate Teacher of Open Gate Sangha. He teaches throughout North America and Europe, offering satsangs, weekend intensives, silent retreats, and a live internet radio broadcast. Homepage

ADYASHANTI - „uranfänglicher Friede“- fordert alle Sucher von Frieden und Freiheit auf, die Möglichkeit der Befreiung in diesem Leben ernst zu nehmen. Auf Bitten seiner Zenlehrerin, in deren Obhut er dreizehn Jahre lang studierte, fing er 1996 selbst zu lehren an. Seither sind viele spirituelle Sucher, die Zeit mit Adyashanti verbracht haben, zu ihrer wahren Natur erwacht.

Adyashantis direkte nichtduale Lehre, die sich von selbst entfaltet, ist mit den Lehren der frühen Zenmeister und Weisen der Advaita Vedanta verglichen worden. Allerdings sagt Adya: „Wenn Du meine Worte durch den Filter einer Tradition oder durch einen ‚Ismus‘ wahrnimmst, wirst du vollständig an dem vorbeigehen, was ich sage. Die befreiende Wahrheit ist nicht statisch; sie ist lebendig. Sie kann nicht in Konzepte gefasst und vom Verstand verstanden werden. Die Wahrheit befindet sich jenseits aller Formen von konzeptionellem Fundamentalismus. Was du bist, ist das ‚darüber hinaus‘ – wach und gegenwärtig, bereits hier und jetzt. Ich bin dir einfach dabei behilflich, das zu verwirklichen.“


Im Oktober 2023 hat sich Adyashanti aus dem aktiven Lehrer-Dasein zurückgezogen.

Die englischsprachigen Titel beziehen wir zum Teil direkt aus den USA. Leider sind die Preise der Bücher selbst gestiegen sowie die Frachtkosten wegen der Energiepreise, und der Dollarkurs ist gegenüber dem Euro sehr ungünstig. Daher bedauern wir, dass wir die Bücher nicht günstiger anbieten können.

Wir verschicken sie von hier aus mit der Post. Da die Post Büchersendungen nachrangig behandelt, dauert die Zusendung in der Regel 4 Werktage. 

Resurrecting Jesus

Resurrecting Jesus

Autor/ Author: Adyashanti
Verlag/ Publ.: Sounds True

The story of Jesus has not waned in its power to change lives. Yet today, even though the majority of us grew up in a culture suffused by the mythos of Jesus, many of us feel disconnected from the essence and vitality of his teachings. With Resurrecting Jesus, Adyashanti invites us to rediscover the life and teachings of Jesus as a direct path to what may be the most radical of transformations: spiritual awakening.

Jesus crossed all of the boundary lines that separated the people of his time because he viewed the world from the perspective of what unites us, not what divides us. In Resurrecting Jesus, Adya asks us to consider the man known as Jesus as a model of enlightened engagement with the world. He examines the story of Jesus from his birth to the Resurrection to reveal how the central events in Jesus' life parallel the stages of awakening that we may be called to experience ourselves. Adya then illuminates five central archetypes of the Jesus story—Peter, John, Mary Magdalene, Judas, and Pontius Pilate—and the key insights they hold about the way we might relate to the spiritual impulse within. Our journey concludes with an inspiring call to "live the Christ" in a way that is unique to each one of us.

"When the eternal and the human meet," writes Adya, "that's where love is born—not through escaping our humanity or trying to disappear into transcendence, but through finding that place where they come into union." Resurrecting Jesus is a book for realizing this union in your own life, from one moment to the next, with heart and mind wide open to the mystery that lives inside us all.


Listen to an interview of Tami Simon (Sounds True) with Adyashanti on his book.

appr. 18,50 € - ISBN: 9781622037636 - HIER können Sie bestellen / You can order HERE.

Jesus, der Zenmeister

Autor/ Author: Adyashanti
Verlag/ Publ.: Herder Vlg.


In sehr beeindruckender Weise erzählt Adyashanti, spiritueller Lehrer mit Zen-buddhistischem Hintergrund, von seiner Faszination für die Geschichte Jesu. Über seine Zen-Praxis entdeckt der Meditationslehrer aus Kalifornien die tiefe Wahrheit der Bilder und Geschichten der Evangelien und findet neu zum Ursprung der Mystik. Das Bewusstsein um den göttlichen Urgrund, die Erfahrung eines ewigen Funkens in uns, ist die tiefe Wahrheit, die alle Religionen miteinander verbindet. Adyashanti fand erst spät zur Praxis des buddhistischen Zen. Seine Familie war christlich, doch praktizierte ihren Glauben kaum. Die tiefe, offene und innige Liebe zu Gott, die er in der Sonntagsschule seiner Kindheit kennengelernt hatte, blieb in ihm jedoch immer lebendig.



26 € - ISBN: 9783451376894 - HIER können Sie bestellen.


Dieser Titel ist auch als E-Book erhältlich: 19,99 € - ISBN: 9783451811616 - HIER können Sie bestellen.

The End of Your World

The End of Your World

Autor/ Author: Adyashanti
Verlag/ Publ.: Sounds True

Adyashanti begins by describing the “I got it/I lost it” phenomenon that perplexes so many of his students - the fluctuation between what he calls “nonabiding” awakening, and the ultimate state of “abiding” enlightenment.

More and more people are waking up spiritually. And for most of them, the question becomes: Now what? “Information about life after awakening is usually not made public,” explains Adyashanti. “It’s most often shared only between teachers and their students.” The End of Your World is his response to a growing need for direction on the spiritual path. Consider this Adyashanti’s personal welcome to “a new world, a state of oneness.”
With straight talk and penetrating insight, Adyashanti then points out the pitfalls and cul-de-sacs that “un-enlighten” us along the journey, including the trap of meaninglessness, how the ego can “co-opt” realization for its own purposes, the illusion of superiority that may accompany intense spiritual breakthroughs, and the danger of becoming “drunk on emptiness.”

“Full awakening comes when you sincerely look at yourself, deeper than you’ve imagined, and question everything,” teaches Adyashanti. The End of Your World is your invitation to join Adyashanti for an honest investigation of what you really are—and how to live once you discover it.


This title is currently not available. 

Deutsche Ausgabe: SEIN - Die wahre Natur der Erleuchtung - siehe unten

appr. 17,90 € - ISBN: 9781591799634 - HIER können Sie bestellen.

SEIN - Die wahre Natur der Erleuchtung

SEIN - Die wahre Natur der Erleuchtung

Autor/ Author: Adyashanti
Verlag/ Publ.: O.W. Barth

Warum wünschen wir uns Erleuchtung? Und wie kommt es eigentlich dazu? Wieso verliert man diesen glücklichen Zustand, sobald man wieder ins Alltägliche zurückkehrt? Oder was passiert mit einem, wenn man sogar in der Erleuchtung „steckenbleibt“?
Adyashanti gibt vor dem Hintergrund seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als spiritueller Lehrer genaue Anleitungen, wie man den Pfad in die eigene Tiefe sicher gehen kann und weist auf typische Fallstricke hin. Er motiviert, immer wieder über sein kleines Ego hinauszugehen und hineinzuwachsen in die Welt der Ungetrenntheit.
Viele spirituelle Sucher sind seither in Adyashantis Umfeld zu ihrem wahren Wesen erwacht. In seinen Vorträgen und Retreats lehrt er in einer Weise, die man mit den großen Meistern des Zen und des Advaita-Vedanta vergleicht. Er selbst sagt jedoch: „Wenn ihr meine Worte durch die Brille irgendeiner Tradition oder eines ‚-ismus’ versteht, bekommt ihr nicht mit, was ich eigentlich sage. Die befreiende Wahrheit steht nicht ein für allemal fest, sie ist lebendig.“


Dieser Titel ist noch als E-Book lieferbar.

4,99 €, ISBN: 9783426426197. Hier können Sie den Download abrufen.

Emptiness Dancing

Emptiness Dancing

Autor/ Author: Adyashanti
Verlag/ Publ.: Sounds True

In Emptiness Dancing, Adyashanti invites you to wake up to the essence of what you are, through the natural and spontaneous opening of the mind, heart, and body that holds the secret to happiness and liberation.

There is something about you brighter than the sun and more mysterious than the night sky.

Who are you when you are not thinking yourself into existence? What is ultimately behind the set of eyes reading these words? In Emptiness Dancing, Adyashanti invites you to wake up to the essence of what you are, through the natural and spontaneous opening of the mind, heart, and body that holds the secret to happiness and liberation.

From the first stages of realization to its evolutionary implications, Adyashanti shares a treasure trove of insights into the challenges of the inner life, offering lucid, down-to-earth advice on topics ranging from the ego, illusion, and spiritual addiction to compassion, letting go, the eternal now, and more.

Whether you read each chapter in succession or begin on any page you feel inspired to turn to, you will find in Adyashanti's wisdom an understanding and ever-ready guide to the full wonder of your infinite self-nature.


This title is currently not available. 

appr. 18,90 € - ISBN: 9781591794592 - HIER können Sie bestellen.

Falling into Grace

Falling into Grace

Autor/ Author: Adyashanti
Verlag/ Publ.: Sounds True

Adyashanti asks us to let go of our struggles with life and open to the full promise of spiritual awakening: the end of delusion and the discovery of our essential being. In his 15 years as a spiritual teacher, Adyashanti has found that the simpler the teaching, the greater its power to change our lives.

In Falling into Grace, he shares what he considers fundamental insights that will “spark a revolution in the way we perceive life”. Available in CD or book format, here is a progressive inquiry exploring:   

  • The human dilemma—the concept of a separate self and the choice to stop believing the thoughts that perpetuate suffering
  • “Taking the backward step” into the pure potential of the present moment
  • Why spiritual awakening can be a disturbing process
  • Intimacy and availability—feeling absolute union with every part of our experience
  • True autonomy—the unique expression of our own sense of freedom

In the same way that we fall into the arms of a loved one or drop our heads on the pillow at night, we can surrender into the beauty and truth of who and what we really are. Falling into Grace is an investigation into the core of why we suffer. It's also Adyashanti’s invitation “to be taken by a moment of grace and fall into a sense of life when it is not separate from you, when life is actually an expression of something indefinable, mysterious, and immense.” 


This title is currently not available.

appr. 18,50 € - ISBN: 9781604079371 - HIER können Sie bestellen.

The Most Important Thing

In Gnade fallen

Autor/ Author: Adyashanti
Verlag/ Publ.: Sounds True

From esteemed teacher Adyashanti, a collection of writings on the search for the ultimate reality beneath the narrative of our lives


“Our inner lives are every bit as astonishing, baffling, and mysterious as the infinite vastness of the cosmos.” —Adyashanti 


We all define our lives through the lens of stories. Whether we see ourselves as heroes or victims, good people or bad, everyone lives according to interwoven strands of narrative. 


“And yet,” teaches Adyashanti, “the truth is bigger than any concept or story.”  


Drawn from intimate, deep-dive talks, The Most Important Thing presents writings devoted to the search for the ultimate reality of a self that exists beyond the bounds of storytelling. 


Here you will find vivid anecdotes and teaching stories that illuminate the felt experience of Adyashanti’s teachings—those moments of grace in which every stone, tree, ray of light, and fraught silence reveal that none of us is alone and no one is ever truly isolated from the whole of existence.


These selections consider:

  •     Exploration of the true meaning of birth, life, and death
  •     Why grace can arrive both through struggle and as an unexpected gift
  •     Meditation as the art of “listening with one’s entire being”
  •     Why a good question can be far more powerful than a concrete answer
  •     How the things you choose to serve shape your life
  •     Discovering the wisdom found in surprise, sadness, and uncertainty
  •     Embodying your innate and inextricable connection with the total environment
  •     The nature of ego and the ways it manifests
  •     The moments of grace upon which all great religions pivot

What is the story of your life? Is it happy or adventurous? Sad or lonely? In The Most Important Thing, Adyashanti shows you how to look past your personal narratives, delve inward, and connect with the truths that fundamentally animate all of us.


This title is currently not available.
22,90 € - EAN: 9781683641919 - HIER können Sie bestellen. - You can order HERE

Die Wahrheit im Herzen

Die deutsche Ausgabe von "The most important thing".

HIER können Sie bestellen.